Saturday, November 29, 2008

Legacy v. 1.05

Legacy v. 1.05

Legacy features

* Huge worlds to explore, with FREE world editor to provide customized continuous game play that will make this the most played game in your collection.
* Beautifully rendered, eye-popping graphics never before seen on this platform.
* Hours of play that will keep you coming back for more and more.
* You`re not alone in this game. Staying true to the RPG theme, you create your own party of multiple talented members.
* Hundreds of different items, armors, and weapons each with their own special attributes. Encounter items made from treasured favorite materials like EBONY and MITHRIL.
* Detailed info on every member, item, spell gives you the information you need to set up your ideal party or conquer any foe.
* Visit the taverns and join in a fantasy card game where you can even use spells to play.
* Beware the many types of monsters, each also with its own unique properties including: attack/defend capabilities, resistances, life force, spell knowledge, and spell chance. These monsters are not just sitting around waiting for a fight, they interact with the environment. Don`t count on that monster to stay put behind closed doors, some types can even open doors!
* Experience our distinctive wear/wield system, meaning what you see is what you get. Check out these pictures on this page.
* Beautiful animations and sound effects. Doors realistically open and close. Candle flames, monster activities, ambient sounds and other special effects create the perfect RPG environment.


Pocket PC, Pocket PC 2002 or Pocket PC 2003 (Arm/XScale processor)
4 MB free storage memory
5 MB free program memory

Installation for Symbian S60 series

Legacy, the game is provided by two installation sis files - Legacy60.sis and Legacy60Add.sis.
Please connect to your device, then install both sis files, in this order:
first Legacy.sis, then LegacyAdd.sis (as additional).
The game won’t start if you don’t install the LegacyAdd.sis after the first one.

Click here to download!

Chess Professional v. 1.01F(014)

Chess Professional v. 1.01F(014)

Chess. Regardless of your playing level, ZingMagic`s multi award winning Chess is a stimulating and challenging game for beginners and champions alike.

The object of Chess is to capture the opponent’s King. To capture the King you must place it in check. If the King cannot escape by itself, or with the help of its army, it is in checkmate and the King is captured.

ZingMagic’s multi award winning Chess application is renowned for its superb playability for players of all levels from beginner to expert. Whatever level of Chess you play at, you can be sure that ZingMagic’s Chess will give you a stimulating and challenging game.

Incorporates a powerful chess engine written by world renowned chess programmer

The download is for the trial version of the application. The trial version requires the OpenBit Licence Manager to operate. Chess will request permission to download the OpenBit Licence Manager automatically. The trial version can be converted to a fully licenced version directly from your device.

Click here to download!

ChessGenius v. 1.6

ChessGenius v. 1.6


ChessGenius is a world championship winning chess program for the Palm, PocketPC, Symbian Platforms. Superb playing strength and packed with features for beginners and experts.

Features of ChessGenius

* Free updates
* Incredibly strong play
Excellent play even on the `instant` level
* Thirty playing levels
Ten easy levels. ChessGenius makes deliberate mistakes
Ten time based levels. Instant, 1 sec, 2 sec, 3 sec, 5 sec, ... 3 mins
Ten Blitz levels. Whole game in 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 5 min, .... 120 min. The Chess Clocks count down in these levels. You lose if you run out of time
* Game information
The last moves of the game
Chess Clocks. Total White and Black time and move time
Main line. For example, the line may show:
"1.03 05 cxd4 Nxd4 Nc6 Bb5" This means that:
ChessGenius is winning by 1.03 pawns. Search depth = 5, and line of moves. ChessGenius is planning cxd4 and expects Nxd4 in reply etc
* Set-up position
Any legal position can be entered
* Take back and Step forward
Take back moves to start of game and Step forward to end of game. Easy take back and step forward with the up/down keys or directional pad.
* Hint
Let ChessGenius suggest your move
* Players
Play against ChessGenius, against another player or watch ChessGenius play itself
* Analyze game
Like 2 player mode but ChessGenius calculates continuously and shows its thinking. Useful for replaying games to see where mistakes have been made or for playing over an imported PGN Master game.
* Rules of Chess
Understands all the rules of Chess including, en-passant, underpromotion, castling, draw by repetition and the 50 move rule. Announces a draw if there is insufficient material to win
* Save and Load games
Games can be saved and loaded in PGN files. Multiple games per file. Easy to import and export to PC chess programs.
* Permanent brain option
ChessGenius assumes that the human player will play the hint move and calculates its reply whilst waiting. It will play stronger.
* Tutor option
ChessGenius will warn if a blunder / weak move is played and give the option of take back.
* Big chessboard option
Choose between two chessboard sizes
* Show legal moves option
If this option is enabled tapping a piece will show all the squares the piece can move to. If the piece has no moves all pieces that can move are indicated.
* Championship
The word `Championship` is displayed on the small board view if you have not used Hint, Taken back moves or viewed the Main line. Can you beat ChessGenius without help?
* Board coordinates option
Coordinates can optionally be displayed on the chessboard.
* Hash tables for stronger play
The size of the hash tables can be adjusted from 64kb up to 16mb.

Click here to download!

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